From The Jedi Academy:
Star Wars and Conflict Resolution Blog

Recapping SW&CR: Darth Vader’s Mistake (Ch. 17)
It turns out that Darth Vader is not a great negotiator. You may think that doesn’t matter but consider what happens when he makes deal after deal with Lando in TESB—failing to recognize Lando’s growing dissatisfaction ends up leading to the destruction of the second Death Star.

Recapping SW&CR: The Force Is Female (Ch. 16)
The women of Star Wars are formidable—and not just at fighting.

Recapping SW&CR: Jedi as Master Manipulators (Ch. 15)
“You want to go home and rethink your life.” Justifiable nudge or inappropriate manipulation? Learn more about how the Jedi and other negotiators use mind tricks and other tactics to get what they want (or suffer the consequences).

Recapping SW&CR: An Empathic Droid? (Ch. 14)
When describing C-3PO, the word “empathy” may not jump immediately to mind. Yet the protocol droid’s empathic development may have just saved the galaxy.

Recapping SW&CR: Arbitration (Ch. 13)
What is a pre-dispute agreement to arbitrate, and should stormtroopers have such an agreement in their employment contracts? Find out more.

Recapping SW&CR: Mediation (Ch. 12)
There’s not much mediation in Star Wars … or is there? We may not see mediators intervening in the saga’s battles but the values of mediation—redemption, restoration, forgiveness—are present.

Recapping SW&CR: Negotiation (Ch. 11)
The characters of Star Wars fight, yes, but they also negotiate. Find out more about the dealmaking and bargains of a galaxy far, far away.

Recapping SW&CR: Ask Me About My Conflict Style (Ch. 10)
A conflict arises. Do you avoid it? Try to make everyone feel better? Strive to win? We may default to a particular approach in conflict, but we can also choose more strategically and intentionally how to respond.

Recapping SW&CR: More on Midichlorians (Ch. 9)
What does neurochemistry tell us about midi-chlorians?

Recapping SW&CR: The Conflict Between Rey and Kylo (Ch. 8)
Rey and Kylo Ren are a dyad in the Force and also bitter rivals. How does their escalating conflict end up working out so well?

Star Wars for Mediators
Does Star Wars have any useful lessons for mediators? We talked about this very question at a recent roundtable with the mediators and conflict resolution professionals of ACR-GNY.

Power in Conflict: Empire vs. Rebellion
Is it better to have power over someone or share power with someone? In Star Wars and Conflict Resolution, Rachel Viscomi describes these two conceptions of power in the Star Wars universe. 3L Max Lentz explains.

Han Shot First, revisted: Game Theory, Bargaining, and Star Wars
Dr. Matthew Rousu, an economist, and Professor Noam Ebner, who studies negotiation and conflict resolution, watch three Star Wars clips and discuss the game theory, strategy, and negotiation issues underlying each scene.

Strategies to Resolve Conflict: Learning from Star Wars (Harvard PON Blog)
In Star Wars and Conflict Resolution, the contributors—professors and mediators; judges and lawyers; all of them, it seems, Star Wars fanatics—analyze scenes and characters from the franchise through the lens of conflict resolution.

Join us at Emerald City Comic Con!
Star Wars and Conflict Resolution will be at ECCC next week!

Harvard’s Progam on Negotiation (PON) hosts Star Wars and Conflict Resolution
Harvard University's Program on Negotiation hosts Jen Reynolds and Noam Ebner of the Star Wars and Conflict Resolution project.
Can we learn anything from the Star Wars saga about how to negotiate deals and disputes more effectively? Most definitely, according to Noam Ebner and Jen Reynolds, co-editors of the new book Star Wars and Conflict Resolution: There Are Alternatives to Fighting (DRI Press).
Join us for a fun and informative session exploring the complexities of negotiation and conflict resolution through one of the most beloved cultural narratives of our time.

Andor: What Makes Us Join The Fight? (II)
In a recent blog post, I introduced a key theme in Andor: What causes a person to shift from being a bystander to a broad social conflict to joining it as an active participant? In a second installment on that theme, I introduce the explanation provided by Dr. Drea, psychologist and pop-culture expert

These Days Will End, Cassian Andor: Shifting Distrust to Trust
Cassian Andor and Luthen Rael negotiate the purchase and sale of an expensive bit of Imperial merchandise.
But the main item on the bargaining table is their trust in each other.

From Rogue One To Andor: What Motivates Us To Join The Fight?
What are our motivations for engaging in conflict? What drivers won’t let us sit this one out, or just not look up and se the Imperial flag waving across the galaxy? Thoughts after seeing Rogue One, and in anticipation of Andor, for all of us who haven’t been in the fight since we were six years old and find ourselves making decisions about whether to engage in conflict or not.

Following a path - Star Wars and a new audience for Conflict Management
SWCR contributing author Sherrill Hayes shares his new pathways for bringing peace and justice to the galaxy