Star Wars and Conflict Resolution Goes to Dragon Con 2022

Last weekend, the Star Wars and Conflict Resolution Project put on a panel at Dragon Con, the ginormous pop-culture convention held annually in Atlanta. Our panel, Conflict Experts Fight About Star Wars, was held virtually to accommodate some of Dragon Con’s regulars who aren’t traveling yet.

Dragon Con logo

Panelists Hillary Elfenbein, Scott Maravilla, Sherrill Hayes, and Noam Ebner were moderated by Jen Reynolds, who only occasionally needed to break things up and send folks back to their corners. The panel, which you can view below, premiered to a live audience interacting via chat.

This marks the project’s first foray into the world of Cons, breaking down the academic walls that often surround its members’ work and connecting with our intended audience: Star Wars fans, wherever they hang out.

And wow, Dragon Con is one major Star Wars fans hangout! The panel was well attended in real time and continues to be viewed on the YouTube channel operated by SWatDC, the Star Wars track of the conference. Our thanks and appreciation to Brandy Roatsey (the Mon Mothma of SWatDC) and her crew as well as Dragon Con’s organizers. Even from a distance, it’s easy to appreciate the labor of love involved!

Star Wars at Dragon Con logo

Since premiering at Dragon Con, the panel has been reported on or shared by other platforms and outlets. These include conflict and alternative dispute resolution -focused outlets, legal blogs, and pop culture sites including such as Law and the Multiverse, ADRHub, Indisputably, and Prawfblog – with more to follow.

All in all, a great start to the Cons! Dragon Con, we’ll be back. Next up: Rose City Comic Con in Portland, which deserves its own post.  For a book on negotiation and conflict resolution, Star Wars and Conflict Resolution is certainly breaking down boundaries and looking for more to take on.

Meanwhile, enjoy the panel! Early-bird members of our audience have reported they’ve enjoyed it while cooking, driving, and procrastinating. What’s your excuse?

Space battles, Jawa yard sales, trade disputes, Force chokes, personal squabbles…when it comes to negotiation & conflict, Star Wars has it all. Negotiation & conflict resolution experts analyze (& argue about) the complex personalities & circumstances driving the saga, with insights applicable to our own galaxy.

Panelists: Jennifer Reynolds(M), Hillary Elfenbein, Noam Ebner, Scott Maravilla, and Sherrill Hayes


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