Kenobi finale: “Star Wars is like poetry… it rhymes”

In our previous post we suggested that episodes 1-5 of Kenobi corresponded with episodes 1-5 of the movies. We anticipated that the Episode 6 finale would therefore correspond with Return of the Jedi.

And it did, big time. Kenobi episode 6, as we’ll explain, was Return of the Jedi without the Ewoks, all in the best possible way.

So, what happened in Episode Six (both Episode Sixes!)?

A Jedi sensed that his presence on a mission endangers its success and the team’s safety. He decides to leave the team and to take the heat off them by facing Vader on his own.

Leia objects. The Jedi goes anyway. A scoundrel comforts Leia.

Ignoring the important big-picture events unfolding about him, Vader pursues the Jedi. He gets in his shuttle, descends to where the Jedi awaits on a planet covered by tall verticals. The Jedi appeals to him, calling him Anakin, seeing good in him. Vader rejects the name and refutes its implications.

Vader and the Jedi duel. After initial setbacks, the Jedi finds unexpected resources of energy in his desire to protect Leia. He defeats Vader and sees his face.

A dark side -leaning Jedi tries to kill Luke Skywalker, fails, and redeems themself.

A light and dark side -leaning Jedi are able to let go of the past.

The Jedi returns… to tell Leia about her father, and to tell someone that someone was right.

Finally, an old master or two show up in the form of a Force ghost.

Is this Episode 6 of Kenobi, Or Episode VI: Return of the Jedi?

We think it’s both.

As George Lucas has said: “Star wars is like poetry… it rhymes”.

We’ve limited this explanation to the big-picture narrative. There are many other smaller rhymes, parallelisms, allusions, winks, etc. in the details. Feel free to add them in and share this around so that others can add their thoughts!

Cover Photo by Jeremy Bishop:


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